The North West Gambling Board, an entity of the Department of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism and responsible for the regulation of gambling in the North West Province, has managed to receive a clean bill of health in respect of the management of its finances and its administration as declared by the Auditor-General for the 2021/22 Financial Year.
The entity has managed to weather the storm despite many challenges that it faced during the year which included amongst others not having a substantive Chief Executive Officer whose term of service was terminated and also not having a full complement of Board members.
The elated Chairperson of the Board, Mr Lavelle Vere noted with appreciation the clean audit as the entity last achieved this 10 years ago and is particularly significant in light of the negative and unwarranted allegations of impropriety levelled against the Board and its Management.
“With this benchmark, not only do we hope to have restored the institutional integrity of our entity but we’ve also developed a winning formula for our continued future success. In strengthening its institutional capacity, the Board also welcomes the filling of Board vacancies with the appointment of three additional members. This will expectedly strengthen the governance capacity and outlook of the entity with the reconfiguration of the various subcommittees, which are a vital cog in the maintaining operational efficiencies” commented the elated Chairperson of the Board.
Mr Vere conveyed his greatest appreciation to his fellow Board members, the Acting CEO, Chief Financial Officer and Staff of the Board for the sterling job done.
Ms Tsholofelo Matlhadisa
Tel: 018 384 3215
Fax: 018 384 2290
Cell: 076 612 8688